Sunday 18 March 2012

Katter speaks now!

Meanwhile, Bob Katter, MP, the independent federal member for Kennedy,  has set up an alternative political party which is running candidates in the Queensland State election next week.  Katter, who presumes to call his party 'Australian' has re-stated his opposition to same-sex unions, ignoring the protests of his gay (half)brother, Carl.

Bob Katter, called the 'mad Katter' in tweets from Carl, has run a series of TV ads slandering such unions in the run-up to the Queensland State elections.
Tweeted Carl: 'They a(re) using the politics of fear & hate to win vote(s). They truly are desperate to use such grubby tactics!'

As well as Greens leader Bob Brown, the ads target Qld LNP leader Campbell Newman, accusing him of supporting same-sex marriage. Newman is trying to win a seat in State parliament by running against the Labor incumbent in the State seat of Ashgrove.

Naturally, Mr Newman has avoided repeating his personal support for gay marriage, saying it's now 'immaterial'.  As leader of the LNP, which voted against same-sex civil unions laws, saying it would consider repealing them if it wins government on March 24, Newman has conveniently shelved his personal view. 
'I said a long, long time ago that I had a personal view about it,' he told Network Ten. 'My personal view is actually immaterial because my team in parliament last year voted against the state Labor government's civil unions bill.'

The Herald Sun claimes that the television commercial targeted Newman because KAP (Katter Australia Party) needs to steal voters from the rival conservatives of the Liberal National Party.

The Labor Premier Anna Bligh described the ad as 'bizarre' and 'way, way beyond what we expect in a political campaign'.

In spite of using the misnomer 'Australian' as the name of his new party,  Katter's vision clearly does not embrace all Australians. Will he now try to attract the constituency of racists formerly aroused by the regettable Pauline Hanson to render his vision for an Australia acceptable to like-minded buffoons?

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